Sunday, October 11, 2009

time flies...

time flies when you're a busy bee (or having a life-threatening weakness for Brothers & Sisters marathons, haha).

photos: weheartit & sea shanties.

Today has been one filled with flowers, sunshine & lots & lots of green. I kicked off the day with breakfast at a café in a garden store, then went on to plant some pretty plants, so that may be why.

I've always been a girl of nature. I've always thought there was no sweeter sound than that of swaying trees, rustling leaves & crashing, smashing ocean waves. But that's another post.

Hoping your weekend was dazzling - and restful,


  1. Ha ha ha I do know your weakness for brothers & sisters! Sounds like you had a lovely weekend, unfourtunatly I wasn't able to spend as much time in the sunshine, but I did find a little bit of time appreciate the lovely weather!
    Lovely pictures, by the way.

  2. Oh my I have such a weakness for brothers & sisters, I just adore Kitty and Robert. What darling photos.
